Insights from these three books:

Insights into Immensity (2015) reviews 52 dialogues between Jiddu Krishnamurti and David Bohm from 1965 to 1983.

Whole and One (2020) invites you to see and be the world based on David Bohm's radical ideas about the essence of life.

Right Now (2023) takes you to the world behind the words, and to live with what is, the essence of life.
To read all three books go here or buy them from Amazon.
Insights into Immensity

1. We live in two worlds. One is true, the other imagined. What actually happens is true, what we think of it is an image made by our minds.
2. All problems come about when our images meet the real world, what is. We blame the world, but it is our mind that is not working in a correct way.
3. Thoughts dominate us, making our life small and numbing.
4. Our task as human beings is to free our brain and mind from the tyranny of thought and to see the world as it actually is.
5. The divisions in the world are projections of our minds, caused by false programs in our mind and they can and must be changed.
6. To see the world, we have to stop using the old instruments that we have used to interpret the world. Thinking will not help us solve the mystery of the mind. On the contrary, it prevents us from seeing the world as one.
7. This book calls for a transformation of the human psyche, an insight that would change our relationship to everything. Our mind is a tiny ripple in a sea of immense energy. We could liberate ourselves from this self-made prison. Yet, there are two big obstacles in our way. Firstly, we must find out the real role of thinking in this play we call life. This leads us to ask something that we have forcefully avoided and would not like to believe.
8. The 'me' is a big mistake. To free the mind we must understand what thinking and time together do to our mind. They create an image of 'me' living in time. One can easily see that this picture comes from the mind, from one specific part of the mind. This imagined being that we call 'me' blocks us from going beyond the mind.
9. The state of the world is a sad proof of our human tendency to self-centred thinking and action. This book explores if it is possible for us to change deeply.
10. Our problems are not personal. We literally share the world and its problems. Unless we change, we will destroy this lovely planet. Seeking personal happiness is a rather selfish desire.
11. All human problems have a common factor, a root cause, one stem. They are all connected to each other. In the case of our mind, the root cause is in our thinking, not in what we think, but in how we think.
12. Thought does not help but prevents us from seeing the facts of life.
13. We are not individuals. The ego is only an idea based on experiences, memory, and knowledge. The image of an individual is a fatal mistake, a mixture of misunderstanding, wrong conditioning, and unjustified self-importance.
14. We must release mankind from psychological conditioning and it will happen immediately, without us actively doing anything about it. When we see what conditioning is doing to us, the inevitable consequence of this perception is that the conditioning falls away like an autumn leaf and we will start to behave in a totally different way. The trouble is that we don't see.
15. The world is one whole. Thought is a material process and the source of division. It is the very nature of thought to divide. There can be no holistic thought.
16. Psychological time is the enemy of man. Chronological time - time by the clock - is necessary, but the continuation created by our mind is the basic element of all our troubles.
17. There is no psychological evolution.
18. The observer and the observed are one movement.
19. Nobody can help us see the truth. If we want to see the truth, we must say goodbye to all mental guides. It is okay to ask the way when you are lost, but nobody knows the truth. They may know their version of truth. Truth is a living thing that we cannot hold in our mind. It is at the same time everywhere and nowhere.
20. The essence of existence is beyond thinking and acting. We are programmed to think that what we believe in, think, feel, and do is all important. That is the content of our consciousness.
21. The cessation of thought is a prerequisite for the awakening of intelligence: for intelligence to operate, thinking must stop.
22. Thought is responsible for this terrible chaos in the world because it is advocating fragmented action, not activity of wholeness.
23. Insight takes place when we listen not only to the words but to the meaning.
24. Thought can never touch the mystery of life.
25. The truth about the mystery makes the mind completely silent. When the mind is aware and silent, the truth of that mystery is. That total silence opens the door to a completely other dimension.
26. The idea of ego is absurd and disastrous. Thought has no reason to suspect that its own creations are
not a prime thing in life. It builds an imaginary structure that it calls the ego.
27. The very listening to that which is beyond thought, heals the brain.
28. Desire is the bedrock of the ego. When I desire, I am. Desire seems to be solid and firm, not easy to break up. It is a fast and violent process filling our consciousness.
29. The ending of time is a new beginning.
30. We are conditioned to a pattern that does not work. To break it we must discard all the knowledge, experiences, and explanations. When we do that, our mind changes.
31. Knowledge cannot solve our psychological problems. It can only make them worse by giving them continuance.
32. Knowledge has not freed us from illusion; it has crippled us from seeing the truth.
33. The brain cannot change itself; a flash of insight is needed.
34. Nature is in order, but consciousness is not. We accept living in disorder because that is all we know.
35. All dependence must inevitably create disorder. Almost an instinctive reaction to seeing disorder is to try to correct it. That is a fundamental mistake. All effort is still disorder.
36. Because we are caught in thought, we block the tremendous potential that the human mind has to go beyond its limits; limits created by the illusion that we are individuals.
37. When we listen completely, the wall of opinions is broken down.
38. When the mind has emptied itself, it is no longer separate from the universe.
39. All religious traditions are caught up in the evolution of the self, and so they are strengthening the self, not freeing us. They condition us to live in ideas and illusions.
40. When we are not able to deal with facts, we invent an idea.
41. To understand what is we don't need interpreters but a straight view.
42. To be free we must die every day to everything we have gathered. If we can't do this, we are slaves and not masters of our time.
43. When we operate from memory we are not very different from a computer.
44. Psychological evolution will not lead to changed consciousness.
45. There can be no compassion as long as that conditioned program dominates the brain.
46. When the brain is quiet, the self is not. Then there is beauty, silence, space, and intelligence born out of immense compassion.
47. It seems that we are drastically misled. The weight of culture and tradition blocks our insight. Perhaps we don't see, because we think we see.
48. Our brain is imposing wrong answers on us because we keep asking the wrong questions. If we ask the right question, we will be free.
49. The fatal division between me and you is the deep source of conflicts and separation between people. It has severely damaged the brain. Healing starts when thought stops.
50. We either see the world as it is or as we think it is. When you actually see, you are free.
Whole and One

1. The world we live in is in chaos, because the way we think is in chaos.
2. There is a systemic fault in our thinking, which prevents us from being whole and one.
3. The universe is one unbroken movement, but our thinking divides it and makes it personal.
4. To cleanse the world chaos we must rethink our thinking and uncondition our minds. We must put thinking into its proper place.
5. Our worldview is based on false assumptions.
6. When we look at the world, we only see our assumptions of the world.
7. To connect with the world in a new way, we have to see that we literally are the world.
8. We must urgently change our human agenda.
9. Life is not a dream. It is not an opinion. It is real.
10. Nobody owns the world. We share our life with other people.
11. We are wasting time trying to fix the symptoms here and there. We must go to the very source of the disease and heal it.
12. In direct perception, our thinking changes profoundly.
13. When there is no separate self, the individual is one with the whole.
14. It is not enough to say or sing 'We are the world'. It is time to feel it. To do that, we must change our mindset that is destroying life on planet Earth.
15. The identity is a trap. Our thoughts set it for us.
16. Our ego-system is built on two false assumptions: the idea of a separate self and the misconception of time as a linear process.
17. The world is way beyond our thinking. It is hidden from our senses but we can sense it because everything is enfolded in everything.
18. Our tragedy is that we don't see how thinking prevents us from seeing the world correctly. We prefer to fool ourselves rather than face the unpleasant facts.
19. Our mind is programmed to seek pleasure and avoid pain.
20. For centuries our worldview has been materialistic and dualistic. We believe that the universe is made of mind and matter. One hundred years ago the new physics proved this view fatally false, but it could not explain how the universe actually works.
21. The universe is an undivided movement without limits. All limitations come from the mind, from the part we call thinking. They are imagined, but to us they are true.
22. Being aware is all we need to understand life. Thinking cannot take us there.
23. Our human way of emphasizing details leads to wrong interpretations and conflicts in all areas of life. The true nature of things can be revealed only when they are examined in a living situation.
24. Science, philosophies, politics, and religions have not produced the means to help us out of this trap because their basic assumptions are fundamentally unsustainable.
25. The universe is one undivided whole where everything is connected to everything. Everything in the world gets its form and nature from its surroundings and connections.
26. The whole is never still. Its basic feature is movement.
27. The essence of the universe is not matter nor energy but the endless movement of wholeness.
28. The world we perceive with our senses, is only a show.
29. In science, everything has to be proven to be true. This leads to a limited worldview because there is a great deal in the universe that we cannot prove.
30. Nobody has invented their own worldview. We adopt it from our culture.
31. Truth is not an opinion, something dependent on circumstances. It is not to be found in some ideology or theory. It is everywhere, in every stick and stone, every brick and bone.
32. "Empty space" is full of energy. Each wave in space has a certain minimum energy and if you add up all the waves it would be infinite. The total energy in one cubic centimetre of 'empty' space would be more than the energy of all the matter in the universe. Thus, space is actually full and matter is just a small ripple on it.
33. The space between people does not separate people. It connects us, and unites us.
34. The information in "empty" space is potentially active. It is not waiting passively but affects and gives form to the things we see.
35. Most of what is in the mind does not manifest to us. It is potentially active. Yet it affects how we see, experience, and act.
36. The whole is always more than our perception.
37. Society is a reflection of the human mind. Our cultures are a complex mixture of facts and fiction.
38. What we think creates our reality.
39. The world's chaos is not only outside, it is very much inside us all.
40. We are not just passive bystanders but actively taking part in the world when we have opinions and take sides. We are creating the world.
41. We don't see what our convictions do to us.
42. We are programmed to live in conflict, both inner and outer.
43. Global problems are systemic. There is not one specific reason that you can find and fix but rather many mixed reasons.
44. To solve the world crisis we must dig into our consciousness and find the root cause. Dealing with the symptoms may ease but does not cure the disease.
45. For centuries we have been programmed to accept incorrect assumptions about the world.
46. Hunger, wars, hate, envy, sorrow, and suffering are facts, but they are also concepts and projections of our mind. We can talk about food and love but it does not take away hunger or wars.
47. Being positive is not the answer. It is an easy escape from the ugly facts.
48. If many people believe in something false, it becomes a collective form of delusion, a "collusion".
49. Nobody knows what the mind is or where to find it. Yet, we can see what it does.
50. Mind is our link to the world. It has three main functions: collecting information from the world, using that to create our reality, and connecting us to the world - or separating from it.
51. Our mind is producing one unintentional crisis after another. It is terrorized by thoughts and feelings.
52. Without the brain, there would be no mind, but the mind is not only in the brain.
53. Thinking makes our mind go 'out of tune'. Then we are not connected to facts but to our own images.
54. We cannot and we should not stop thinking but we can be aware of its movement.
55. There is nothing purely physical or purely mental.
56. The fundamental order of the mind is implicate, hidden. We can see what it does but cannot see what it is.
57. We live on three levels: individual, collective, and cosmic. The concept of mind covers all three.
58. The root of our problems is not in how the world works but in how our mind responds to the world. The conflicts seem to come from outside of us but actually we create them in our mind.
59. The mind is not a thing in space nor a process in time but a system based on relationships.
60. We are different but not separate. When we talk, there are no exact points where you end and I start.
61. Our thinking makes the fixed part of our identity important.
62. If we emphasize our differences, we end up being a separate individual and act accordingly. But if we see the connecting link between us, we act in a totally different way.
63. Our mind is one. It is thinking that creates and maintains all the barriers and differences. It is thinking that keeps us trapped inside our little separate selves.
64. Thinking separates us from the world. Most of the individual content comes from the collective. We absorb thoughts from other people and call them our own. Failing to see this link, we think we are individuals.
65. The program of our mind keeps us in its grip and causes us to make limited decisions. Direct perception stops this program and our mind starts to operate in a different way.
66. We think we are right even when we are totally wrong and irrational. We are especially blind when something worries, bothers, or irritates us, but also when we are very happy.
67. Our biggest challenges are collective. The world crisis is not personal.
68. Our chance for change is to rethink thinking.
69. Thinking is a material process. We can observe and measure it "happening" in the brain cells as neurophysiological reflexes.
70. Thinking is a conditioned reflex. It participates actively and automatically, like a reflex, in forming our perceptions, our sense of meaning, and our daily actions. It is impossible for the brain to choose all its reactions.
71. Thoughts are collective. They move between people creating a system in which everything affects everything else. There is nothing - or very little - original in our thoughts.
72. Thinking divides the world, it draws lines that may be useful and somewhat correct but they may also lead to problems and unwanted outcomes.
73. Thinking gives meaning to things. It evaluates, compares, judges, overestimates, and underestimates, "marks" things arbitrarily but has no reason to doubt its evaluations. Thinking is not an accurate mirror reflection of reality but an evaluation based on our conditioning and concepts.
74. Thinking creates real things, our reality: towns, roads, houses, factories, airplanes, computers, musical instruments, and even agriculture, science, corporations, nations, and governments. Thinking also invents concepts as to how the world works and they become the basis of our worldview.
75. We have false division and false unification. Thought pretends that there is sharp division outside and everything is unified inside.
76. Thought is very active, participatory. It has produced effects outwardly and inwardly, yet our tacit assumption is that it is just telling us the way things are and that it has not done anything.
77. We did not create thought but thought created us.
78. There is no 'I' that is doing the thinking, there is only the process of thinking.
79. To overcome negative thoughts and feelings we may engage in positive thinking. That will not help us understand or solve the problem.
80. Rituals affect us but also blind us.
81. It is important to find out if reflexes are coherent or not: do they produce the results we intend and want to get? Often they do, but very often they do not.
82. Reflexes are coherent only if they change when something changes outside. A species that is not coherent either with itself or with its environment cannot survive.
83. The universe is always coherent. There is order there, no problems, everything as it should be.
84. We cannot get coherence by wanting it. Wanting is incoherent thinking. All we can do is to be sensitive to what causes incoherence.
85. Our incoherent actions are reflexes. We don't produce bad things on purpose. A reflex often produces results that we do not want.
86. We need a more coherent map, a new kind of thought about thought. Basically, it is a new map of the self.
87. People have different assumptions as to what is necessary or absolutely necessary. Our assumed necessities prevent dialogue because they create a set of reflexes that we defend with absolute force.
88. Notions of necessity move us. We are impelled, compelled, propelled, or even repelled.
89. Our brains are set up to hide our assumptions.
90. A word can be the button that triggers our action. We need a correct description of the way we actually think. We must see that thought is behind this whole system: it is creating our inner world.
91. We must suspend our reactions. It means that we do nothing else but watch our thoughts.
92. Every thought is only a simplification or an abstraction. Thought only represents something that is true or is not true.
93. If the limits of knowledge are not crystal clear then knowledge becomes the substitute for truth.
94. It is crucial to see that the representation affects perception. It is a tremendous source of illusion if we lose track of the fact that this is happening.
95. The problem with thinking is that it does not want to be a silent witness to reality. It wants to modify the world to its own image. It wants to leave a mark. We don't realize that we have created most of the nuisance in thinking.
96. We refuse to question our worldview because that would mean questioning our own identity.
97. To take the crucial step from seeing the world to being the world, we must be aware of how thinking prevents us from being whole and one.
98. Without direct awareness, we live in continuous conflicts and miss the sacred dimensions of life, those beyond the reach of our thoughts.
99. The self is not sacred. It is our world, but not the whole world. It is a collection of memories, experiences, and knowledge.
100. We can any time change our concepts. However, our ego prevents us from changing them, even when they do not give us the results we want.
101. We need a worldview but we must see the difference between the view and the world!
102. In direct contact with the world, thinking is in a minor role.
103. Thinking is the wrong tool to create a connection to the cosmic. We need a new arsenal of instruments to 'tune in' to the subtle movement of the world.
104. When you totally connect to what is happening, the movement in time ceases. Things just happen. Memory is working but in a minor role.
105. Everything that the ego experiences is conditioned and limited. It is not direct perception but the noise of ego. Ego lives in time, either past or future, never in the present moment.
106. Direct perception changes the brain cells. It frees us from the prison that ego has built!
107. We can only experience something that we can recognize. In direct contact, there are magical elements that we can remember only vaguely.
108. Ego shrinks our world. This is easier to see in others than to see it in ourselves.
109. We must cross two self-made lines: first, from personal to collective. We must leave self-interest behind and unite with other people. Then we must take the crucial step from collective to cosmic. This will make us whole.
110. Thinking operates on the personal and collective levels but it cannot rise to the cosmic. At the cosmic level, there is no separation, everything is connected to everything. That is where love lives.
111. There are many ways to love. The most beautiful way is to love without object or subject.
112. Ego's version of love is conditioned and separative. It needs an object and a subject.
113. Ego lives in the world of opposites.
114. Ego is an abstract concept that causes concrete effects.
114. When there is no separate self reacting to abstract facts, there is immediate action. Then seeing is doing.
115. The content of our mental program separates us. If the program stops, we do not feel separate anymore.
116. Our reactions come from our mindset, not from the facts.
117. Many people are afraid to live without ego because we assume that we would lose our identity. On the contrary, a free mind is everything!
118. The self can never perceive the movement of thought directly. It lives blind in its own world and repeats what it has learned.
119. To change the world we must change our meanings, and check our priorities and agenda. Thoughts are behind them all.
120. We think of thought as a roadmap of reality but the new physics showed that the map is wrong.
121. We are driven by implicit values. Our values manifest in our reactions. They are the actual cause of global mess.
122. We have created a world based on the abstractions of thoughts which have shrunk the world to the size of our mind.
123. Fantasy causes an illusion. We may not even want to see the danger when our illusions are pleasant and offer an easy escape from the difficult facts.
124. The notion of identity is incoherent, it is not a creative view of being.
125. Assumptions are loaded guns, with a heavy emotional charge. They come from the collective consciousness. We do not invent them but pick them up from the culture we live in.
126. Cultures are based on shared meaning. Meaning is a kind of cement that holds society together. Without shared meaning societies would fall apart.
127. Technology has not healed our psyche. We have better TVs and toilets but have lost the deep sense of delight of being alive.
128. It is dangerous to drive a car with an autopilot attitude, yet it is much more dangerous to act so with human relationships.
129. There are non-negotiable assumptions behind nationalism, religions, politics, and even science. Generally speaking, we are not allowed to question them. We are not able to discuss these issues intelligently, especially in times of crisis.
130. Money and guns will not bring us peace and happiness.0
132. We do not see the source of what is wrong. We only see the result.
133. We need a culture that doesn't damage the brain by defending its assumptions against false evidence.
134. In a good culture, we participate together in making a common meaning that is coherent and free of illusion.
135. Meaning is fundamental. It moves us both physically and mentally.
136. Meaning is a feeling. We sense it - or we do not.
137. When life as a whole is harmonious, we don't have to ask for an ultimate meaning, for then life itself is the meaning.
138. To use the full potential of our mind we must defeat two myths: the idea of a separate self and the concept of time.
139. Our mind twists whatever we watch. It abstracts, leaves something out, and adds something irrelevant. Memory is selective. Our mind cannot be trusted.
140. Outward goals are okay and help us, but inward goals are built on an egoistic centre, which will cause inner conflict.
141. Time dominates our brain now and may be one cause of mental disorders.
142. When memory leads us, we become irrational and ego-centred. We base our decisions on selfish motives and imagined needs. We become ego-boosted.
143. Time is needed in practical matters, but using time when dealing with our self leads to double trouble: confusion and conflict.
144. When we gather psychological knowledge about the self and our relationships with others, our brain shrinks and works in a limited area, not seeing the whole picture.
145. if you think that your conviction is right, no reasoning will change your mind. Nothing can make you take a fresh look when your self is at stake.
146. We live in a world of words. In words we trust, and in words we get lost. They define us.
147. If we do not feel good, we set a goal and go after it. Wanting more is a curse. It binds us into gaining, achieving, comparing, advancing.
148. If we love images, we actually love ourselves. That is what images are: products of our imagination.
149. We are not happy people! We may pretend - and we do pretend. Happy people are not violent, cruel, or competitive, they are free from conflict. We are not free.
150. To save the world, we must stand back from our personal problems and urgent needs and take a much wider view. We must understand that our future is in the now, in the way we live.
151. We are tied to belief systems and ideologies, dreams, and goals like an animal to a pole. The length of the rope defines our living area.
152. As long as the ego-system dominates our brain, we live a limited life.
153. When one deeply understands that there is no escape from reality, the useless movement of thinking stops, and the structure and function of the brain change.
154. Our modern worldview is based on individuality and selfishness. It encourages us to seek our own happiness and fulfilment and the price is high.
155. We know inward and outward worlds. There is a third one: the world beyond.
156. In studying the world, we must start from and remain strictly with the facts. Then the beauty of the world is revealed to us.
157. The self is never satisfied with what it is or has, because it can imagine something more ('the good') and less ('the bad').
158. The very act of listening to that which is beyond thought heals the brain. Out of that, there can be a new man and a new society.
159. Seeing life in the right light is the first and last step.
160. If we see or do two miracles every waking hour, we experience one million miracles in our lifetime.
161. The world will change when we realize that thinking is the root cause of all conflict, egotism, fanatism, terrorism, corruption, violence, and panic reactions.
Right now

1. The world works all right, but we humans don't. We create more problems than we solve. This is because we don't see ourselves correctly.
2. There is an error in our mindset. It is set up to produce things that we don't want. Nobody wants misery and anguish, pollution and wars, but that is what we produce.
3. We can solve our problems but there. are two conditions. We have to see ourselves as we are and do what works.
4. Our assumptions about the world are wrong. Because of these incorrect assumptions, we as individuals, as well as collectively, make minor and major mistakes. After noticing a mistake, we try to fix it, but often with little success and way too late.
5. Our interpretations of reality are based on concepts that have no counterpart in reality. We invent them and abuse them.
6. Ego acts like a terrorist, who believes they have the right to act as they feel to be right.
7. Seeing the world correctly begins from seeing ourselves correctly.
8. We don't have to do anything to change our minds. The mind changes automatically when it connects with the world. Then we see ourselves properly, as an integral part of the universal energy flow.
9. Living as correctly as possible is the best way to live.
10. Living right means seeing the world as it actually is.
11. The purpose of life is to see and do miracles. If you don't see miracles, the fault is not in the world, it is in the mind, which is not working properly
12. If you don't perform miracles, you don't use your whole potential.
13. When you open your mind to miracles, you begin to see and do them.
14. Miracles happen to us all the time and everywhere. We live among them, but we don't see them because we don't know how to look properly. Our conscious mind sees only its own interpretations, the versions created by our thoughts.
15. What actually happens in the world, is undeniable, actual. We react to it with or without our ego. We need our ego to cope with everyday life, but we do not need its distortions.
16. When the ego takes over, we lose the connection to the miracle of life. We no longer see things correctly. Direct perception corrects this error.
17. Every human being also has the ability to perform miracles. That happens when we do something that we thought to be impossible.
18. We live in two worlds: one is actual and the other is created by the ego.
19. The ego is a creation of thinking and it presents its own version of what it experiences
20. The information about reality conveyed by our senses is always incomplete. With the right tools, we can see the stars or inside the cells, but the essence of life is a miracle and will remain so. We are part of that miracle, whether we see it or not.
21. Self-image is always incomplete and distorted, often downright wrong. Most people belittle and underestimate themselves. This leads us to misuse our potential.
22. We live in a dream made of ideas. We can wake up, but that option rarely reaches the dreaming ego.
23. When we throw ourselves into the embrace of life, the ego shrinks, and time loses its meaning.
24. When the ego gets - or rather takes - the lead, we lose our connection to the miracle of life and live only inside our minds.
25. Direct perception is seeing the world without ego.
26. The ego creates the concepts and lives in them. It looks at everything through the lens of mental images.
27. Words have the power to isolate us, from ourselves and from others.
28. If we always did the right thing, the world would not be the mess it is now.
29. The mind creates the content of consciousness by giving meaning to things. It decides what is important and what is not, what we give our time and attention to, and what we overlook.
30. The roots of every war, mess, quarrel, or rage start from the way our mind experiences the world. The mind does not just observe, it also creates the world.
31. If all the energy used to boost the ego was focused on creating a connection between people, we would quickly find a solution to all human problems rampant in the world.
32. Egoism is the most pervasive idea of our time and it must be uprooted.
33. We must change the settings of our minds so that we experience life as a miracle and not as a series of achievements.
34. All the good in life comes from connecting with the world directly, without intermediaries and distortions.
35. To fix the bug in our mental software, the mindset needs to be switched to online mode.
36. You can get the mind to work correctly by updating the software that runs it. It means checking (and changing) the assumptions of our mindset.
37. When a crisis hits us, we have to act instantly.
38. There are many ways to test the settings of your mind and see what is true and right. Right is what produces a good life. A good life means tuning into the frequency of miracles.
39. The majority of people reject unpleasant facts by denying them or escaping into dreams. The hope for something better is an internal drug of the mind, an escape from reality.
40. Self-created problems, both at the individual and collective level, are solved when you stop creating them. We are the problem that we are trying to solve.
41. If we want to make a difference in the world, we will have to see it differently.
42. Mind operates on two levels: in time and right now. The mind in time is our instrument of knowing and feeling. It is anchored on memory and is necessary and vitally important in its own area. The online mind works in direct nonstop contact with the world. For it, life is not a concept, but a miracle.
43. The online mind sees the delusion of the ego and doesn't believe it's bullshit.
44. The common perception is that the ego is the master and thinking is the servant. This is a mistake. In the factory settings of the mind, there is thinking, but no ego.
45. However, the ego is not satisfied with its role as a servant, it wants to take the lead and be the boss.
46. The sense of a separate self cuts off the connection to the miracle of life.
47. The ego fights on many fronts and may experience small victories and moments of ecstasy, but lives all the time in a self-contained, divided world. The dividing line runs between the self and "not-self".
48. Egoism is a disease of our time, a handicap of the mind.
49. A simple way to connect your mind to the realities of life is to ask yourself: In my life, what is there too much and what is too little? Write your answer on paper so that you see it. Repeat this once a week.
50. There is the potential for miracles in everything we do. Miracles happen when we really get into the act and do it.
51. the joy of doing is the greatest when we do something challenging enough. Too easy a task numbs the mind and dulls our enthusiasm to the point where we don't give our best. A task too difficult, on the other hand, scares and distresses us. In the face of it, we freeze.
52. Doing anything is harder if we hate doing it.
53. Purpose is more than just an answer to the question, what is to be accomplished and why. It's the driving force that gets us going.
54. Everything has a purpose and it is there all the time, either obvious or hidden in the recesses of our mind.
55. Miracles happen when we get to do what we love to do.
56. If we look for easy living, we will be disappointed. Life is not a jukebox, where we get only nice songs.
57. Life is about doing something with a purpose.
58. Miracles start to happen when we connect with what we feel and do. We don't need an ego for that.
59. The ego is necessary when we have to remember, repeat, know, and speak, but in connecting to life, ego is only an obstacle or a speed bump to slow us down.
60. Ego looks for gain and pleasure. It wants to feel good and avoid feeling bad. It cannot succeed in this.
61. Life is not about ego building; it is about doing something for others.
62. Organisations have no intrinsic value. They don't exist for themselves, but for people who need them.
63. All the good in life is done for others.
64. People who hate their jobs vent their bad feelings on their loved ones.
65. Clarify the purpose of our work. Write down seven reasons why we work. In addition to the salary, we need to find six others.
66. Miracles can be done alone, but together it is easier and more fun.
67. Other people do not live for us, we live by their side.
68. With the help of a stick and a carrot, donkeys can be made to act as desired, but people have a will of their own. It can be used to do miracles if people are treated as miracle workers, not just hands and heads.
69. Under pressure, the mind finds powers it didn't know it has.
70. There is a big difference between having to do something and being allowed to do it.
71. Ask yourself, "How am I?", and write an absolutely honest answer on paper, say, once a week.
72. Uplift is the force by which people lift each other.
73. By lifting another, we lift ourselves.
74. We don't have to believe in facts. They happen.
75. Our lives remain unfinished until the very end.
76. When the ego finds its right place and is satisfied with its role as a servant, life becomes straight and simple in an instant.
77. When we feel that we are part of the miracle of life, the ego stops looking for itself or its own happiness. It is not separate from the world, but one with it.
78. Everything is in order, and right now everything is right.
PART 3 Living Right Now
An act is a fact.
The measure of humanity is not big words,
but small actions.
Actions should not be divided into small and large.
Everything big starts from something small.
Alert Mind
An alert mind moves naturally from one mood to another.
The more alert we are, the more sensitively and quickly
we sense another person's inner state.
The more anxious we feel, the
less able we are to empathize with others.
Your life changes when you stop expecting appreciation
and concentrate on giving it to others.
Showing appreciation is not just brain work.
It involves the heart, eyes, mouth, and hands,
creating a force that changes the world.
There is no best actor, athlete, speaker, musician, singer - or human being. There are just differently fascinating, talented, and imperfect individuals, who need each other's support and appreciation to dare to be who they are and to do what they don't know they can do.
Lack of appreciation can be just as hurtful and offensive as physical violence. When a person is not seen as a person, he is deprived of the right to exist.
Status does not guarantee appreciation.
Power and arrogance are a dangerous - and way too common - combination!
Art of Living
Living is a skill that cannot be mastered without endless learning.
As One
In light of today's understanding, the idea of separateness is absurd. It is wrong and dangerous because it leads to cold-hearted behaviour toward others. The only sensible way is to abandon the egoistic worldview and start acting genuinely together as one.
It's better to ask stupid questions
than correct stupid mistakes.
If we ask the wrong questions,
the answer doesn't matter.
It is easy to answer questions
that have a correct answer.
Life's questions don't often have such answers.
Our brains are wired to hide their assumptions. We must consciously reveal them, and search for the most accurate words to describe them. A word is a button that can open doors to understanding.
Assumptions are loaded guns. They come from our collective consciousness. We don't invent them, we adopt them from the culture in which we live. Emotions also pass from one person to another. We share them, too. When one roars, the others easily start to raise their voices as well.
Wrong assumptions cause brain injury. We need a culture that does not damage the brain and does not defend assumptions when facts prove otherwise. We must learn to discuss assumptions freely, without fear of retribution.
It is not always enough to exchange ideas.
Sometimes we have to change our assumptions.
There are many ways to pretend,
but only one way to be authentic.
Authenticity is always beautiful.
When you sit in a chair, you feel your body touch the surface of the chair. You don't have to think about it, or make decisions. If we were in the same way aware of every thought as they arise, we wouldn't live the way we do now.
There is a simple and quick way to find meaning: awareness. When we are aware, we are free to act. Then we know, what is important, and what is not. Then we do what is right.
Awareness changes the process of image-making.
It upends our priorities and agendas.
The self is no longer our boss.
The first thing is not to see what we are thinking,
but to be aware that we are thinking.
Awareness is a direct route to life.
What is it like to spend days doing nothing,
without schedules and pressures?
It is absolutely AWESOME.
You don't have to travel anywhere to experience beauty.
Beauty does not disappear.
Sometimes it's a little harder to notice.
Being One
The highest form of working together
is acting as one unit.
Our ego prevents us from being one with the world.
If we realize the limits of thinking,
we enter a state of insight,
and life ceases to be a problem.
Then all people are literally one.
We don't need a map or a compass to find the truth. It cannot be found in the same way as keys or a spouse. We are part of reality. If we see this, we'll stop rushing around. Then we are one with the world.
Being Right
Things would be better if there were fewer people,
who thought they are always right.
If we think we cannot do better, we can't.
We should not believe everything we believe.
What would the world be like, if people were as critical of their own beliefs as they are of the beliefs of others?
The difference between the best performers and the rest of us is that the best demand more of themselves.
Big Picture
It's hard to see the big picture
if we look at the world with one eye.
Black and White
The world is black and white. Both fit well into the same landscape. A strong community and strong individuals go well together. It is possible to hold on to the old and renew. We can be subversive and hold on to tradition. It is natural to set wild goals and keep our feet on the ground. There is no conflict between making a difference and spiritual values. We take our work seriously and have unbridled fun doing it.
Blind Spot
The essential often hides behind the blind spot.
It's easy to think other people's beliefs are stupid, but we are amazingly blind to our own delusions. We wonder how someone can think so strangely and wrongly, and ignore the fact, that other people think the same about us.
To experience life directly is bliss.
I sit up on a hill and watch as the fog is clearing.
There is no need to change the channel.
Our bodies are made of exactly the same stuff as space.
There is no material difference between us and the universe.
There is a direct and deep connection between our body and mind.
Only a dotted line should be drawn between thoughts, feelings, and our body. They work together, side by side. Our body reacts to our thoughts and feelings, and vice versa.
By seeing the essential and doing the possible, a person breaks the boundaries of his own mind and enters a state, where he feels he is one with everything.
We don't use the brain,
the brain uses us by creating what we don't want.
The brain has two functions: to remember and to create.
In order to create, we must be able to forget.
The brain is looking for a solution in an area
where only poor substitutes are available.
A dull brain produces a dull reality.
A damaged brain does not buy a ticket to infinity.
Using our brain saves us sweat.
The world is too big for our brain,
but our minds can be one with the world.
A silent brain is in a listening position. When our brains are not chattering, we are astonishingly aware of everything. If two people talk over each other, neither can hear what the other is saying.
When the brain is silent, there is no self.
Then there is beauty, silence, space
and insight born of compassion.
The brain is naturally tuned to working with others. If we let it work properly, we can solve problems and flourish.
A careerist sees other people as his own stepping stones. If you want to advance your career at any cost, you will always pay too much for it.
It is very scary not to care.
There are billions of reasons to celebrate life today.
The best way to celebrate is to spend your time thinking fondly of the people with whom you can live your life.
The more we get to know people or things, the less we want to form definite opinions about them.
Life is always on the move.
It can NOT remain the same.
It is not even possible not to change.
It's the last percent that counts. Small things are not small. A big change often starts with a small movement in the head.
Changing the Mind
The human mind can be changed, but not by force. Changes imposed from the outside are always superficial, temporary, and often painful.
Changing the World
The fastest way to change the world is to look at it differently.
If we want to change the world, we must look for ways to do it, not just watch a horror show.
To change the world, we need a mind that can see and be the world.
Right action is not a choice between options. We see the world either as it is or as we imagine it to be. When we really see, we are free and beyond the mind.
Clarity reduces confusion.
Washing my car makes me feel cleaner.
We are afraid of not belonging to a group or herd. We'd rather cling to familiar misery than enter a world we don't know.
The universe is always coherent.
All problems are caused by the ego,
which is allowed to create chaos.
Coherence is difficult to define,
but we feel it when we experience harmony, order, beauty, goodness - and truth.
Coherence cannot be obtained by will,
but one can be more sensitive to incoherence.
Coherent perception helps the brain to function correctly.
Such a perception should be allowed to build.
If many people believe in something stupid, false or wrong, it is a collective illusion, collusion.
Good service cannot be created by commanding, we cannot force a person to smile genuinely.
Command and control is a disastrous way of leading people in a situation where well-educated women or young bright people enter organisations.
There is no need to comment on everything.
People don't fight because they disagree.
They fight because they don't see the same world.
In a well-managed group, you can express a different opinion. In the best groups, it MUST be expressed, because by listening to those who disagree, a strong and genuinely common position can be found.
Many people ponder over the boundary between the individual and the community. There is no boundary, or it is where we draw it. The smartest is the one who does not seek a border, because we are an inseparable part of the communities in which we operate.
A common will is glue that unites people to make miracles happen.
If we don't compare, all is right.
There are things that can and should be compared. If we compare ourselves to others, we will find better and worse people than we are. What if we just looked at ourselves as we are and let others be what they are.
Compassion is gentle experiencing life together.
Compassion is needed because without it we destroy each other.
Compassion is our opportunity, the lack of it is our real threat.
Every gesture of compassion is a step in the right direction.
Seeing life as a competition is a fatal mistake that causes us to run after acceptance and quick wins. No matter how much we achieve, we always feel we could get more.
Sometimes we realize something we have known for a long time.
The more we know, the more there is to know.
We don't react to facts, but to our thoughts about them. We live in a world of concepts and we argue about them.
Many people love concepts more than truth.
We don't have to try everything. We can conclude that the wall is hard and there is no point banging our heads against it.
Conflicts seem to come from outside us, but we create them in our own heads.
We are programmed to live in conflict.
Conflicts end when the ego moves from the world of concepts to the world of facts.
A human being is neither an island nor yet a hermit.
We are connected to each other by invisible threads.
The world is more than we can ever imagine. Realising this frees the mind and connects us to the world.
Connecting with another is happiness, which we lose by focusing too much on ourselves.
Time and distance do not determine the depth of connection.
Connection with others is the luxury of life.
Our consciousness twists everything we look at. It abstracts, leaves something out, and adds something irrelevant. Doubt it!
There is so much misinterpreted reality in consciousness that one lifetime is not enough to sort it all out. Fortunately, there is a shortcut. When the mind perceives the distortion and does not accept it, thought immediately acts rationally.
If everyone agrees, there is no true consensus. Weak adaptation leads to a decrease in the vitality of the group. Group members adapt, but don't throw themselves into doing things together.
There is nothing in the world that all people agree on.
Our relationship with people, nature, and objects cannot be measured in minutes or metres, but by the meaning we give to things. We feel close to someone even though we haven't seen them for years, but we may have no connection to the person sitting next to us on the bus.
There must be rules and discipline, norms and sanctions in the group, but control must not be self-serving. Indiscipline of rules sometimes saves a group from destruction.
Control narrows the potential.
We cannot dictate what we feel or experience. We can try to control our reactions, but only afterward.
We are ready to fight and kill for convictions, but not to consider their justification. We would rather die than give up our core beliefs even when we see the damage and destruction they cause.
The sooner a person realises he has made a mistake, the smarter he is. One would suppose that we would be clever about the things that matter to us, but it's just the opposite: we are the most tenacious in holding on to our convictions.
Our problems in the area of cooperation are mainly self-inflicted.
Cooperation is impossible if people are unable to rise above their own agendas.
The interplay between people is paradoxical and full of tension. The same thing can be both a threat and a tremendous opportunity, a danger and a necessity, a virtue, and a handicap. Two people with different opinions can both be right - or both be wrong. We can love one and hate the other. Absolute rules must sometimes be broken. The same rule works and destroys. Discipline can be achieved by letting actors improvise.
A quick way to destroy cooperation is to not intervene in bad behaviour, and silently tolerate crap and cross-timbering.
Human-made problems can be solved by human cooperation. This, on the condition that there is enough will and understanding.
Law of cooperation:
When people want different things,
nobody gets what they want.
It is more important to do the right thing than to be right.
Brave decisions are rarely regretted.
Covering Up
In this play that we put on for each other day after day, a tremendous amount of energy is wasted on covering up fear and inner fragility.
The hardest part of learning something new is giving up what we've learned before. Creativity is giving up the old to make way for the new.
Organizations are always in crisis, but they don't always realise it.
The world's crises can only be solved by working together.
In moments of success, it is easy to maintain a good spirit, but a crisis always surprises you sooner or later. Then we see how genuine and deep the bonds between the group members actually are.
If we want to learn from our mistakes and not make them in the future, it's not smart to be afraid of criticism. We must want to hear what we would prefer not to.
No one can dance to all the whistles.
When we see danger, we either act or harm ourselves. We do not realise the danger of thinking and consider it an essential building block of our lives.
If we want mediocre results, we set a target that matches the average. If we want to succeed, we have to dare to think and do what many people think is impossible.
We get what we love and dare to do.
What we fear, we will lose.
The ego perpetuates darkness. It could end that at any time, but it won't because it is afraid of light.
Sometimes life dazzles.
Every death reminds us of the importance of living.
How many shoes does a person need?
One pair more, if we find nice ones on sale.
The ego creates goals from its own needs. When something is missing, the hunt begins for food, clothes, money, friends, sex, or power. When one deficiency is gone, the mind is already chasing something else.
Do not let others define you.
Definite thoughts prevent progress definitely.
People are sure of things
because they don't know them.
Human beings need other people like we need oxygen.
Without others, we suffocate.
As a baby, we need other people.
An old person needs other people.
And all the time in between.
A deep life is a good life.
No one can decide their own destiny.
We can influence it, but less than we think.
No one can destroy the world alone, it can't be done even with joint efforts. We are destroying ourselves as a species, not the earth.
Development can be slowed down, but not stopped.
Of course, it can go in the wrong direction.
The goal of dialogue is not to find consensus,
but to see together what is common to all.
Our biases are as much collective as individual. To get rid of them, we have to find better ways to communicate meanings. Dialogue is a great tool for that.
The difference between dialogue and discussion is that in dialogue one does not defend one's position, but tries to understand it better.
In dialogue, one does not teach others but learns from them.
Dialogue is often initiated because there are problems.
It should be done in order to have no problems in the future.
Dialogue is mutual listening. There is no taking sides, no competition, and no one's position wins.
Without dialogue, life lacks something essential.
It is easy to marginalise the different. Why is it so hard to understand that there are different people, animals, countries, nations, days, nights, jobs, moments, moods, dreams, truths, and realities? Different is neither worse nor better, it's just different. Diversity is wealth and not a nuisance, prosperity and not alienation, it is not strange, but part of the fabric of life.
Emphasizing differences creates conflict,
emphasizing commonalities creates connection.
Seeking differences leads to inequality.
Small are our differences, great is the humaneness that unites us.
Difficulties are the acid test of friendship.
Time favours those who are fired up by difficult and almost impossible challenges.
Direct Awareness
Direct awareness puts thinking in its right place. It is used only when needed.
Direct Connection
There is a magical element in direct contact that is not stored in memory.
Direct contact means meeting the other as she/he is.
A direct connection with another is only possible if the encounter is not clouded by memories of the past, nor hopes for the future, without motive.
Direct Experience
Direct experiencing is living right.
Direct Perception
Direct perception corrects errors in the mind's settings.
Direct Vision
Direct vision stops the mind's program and the mind starts working properly.
If your direction is wrong, do not speed up.
Disease and Symptoms
Operating with the symptoms will not cure the disease.
Humans have the ability to build systems, but also the ability to dismantle them.
We are different, not separate. The mind is one and common. When there is no self, we are an inseparable part of the common mind.
The fear of differences is the essence of fear of life.
The world is different in different countries,
but people are deep down the same.
Civilisation is valuing all forms of life and seeing ourselves in others. Long live diversity and variety!
Doing Good
Calculated doing good is calculated benefit seeking.
Doing Right
Humans have the ability to act so that evil does not actualize.
Do the right thing for yourself.
Use your capacity for things you really care about.
Doing Together
Professor Sally Maitlis highlights the tone in which people in the group talk about history, problems and the future as a key element of working together. This is also true in relationships and in one's own life.
Dream of Thoughts
The world is a nightmare, but life is not a dream.
Our thoughts are the dream and the cause of most nightmares.
Life is not all dream.
It is real and full of amazing things.
Dull Mind
If life doesn't surprise us, we've narrowed our mind. A dull mind is a bore.
The earth is our home, our only one.
We should love and not destroy.
Many things are easy compared to changing a light bulb in a car.
Ego shrinks the world.
That is easier to notice in others than in ourselves.
The ego process is a waste of energy.
The ego lives in a small hole
and imagines what is outside.
There can be too much ego, but it can also be too little.
We can think too highly of ourselves,
but it is more common to underestimate ourselves.
The ego is not a passive observer,
it is an active participant in everything we see and do.
The ego is not sacred. It is a pile of memories, experiences, and information, condemned to a life of isolation, contradiction, and confusion.
The ego does not like the truth and will do anything to avoid it. We want to pick and choose the facts we like, and we defend them regardless of their accuracy.
When our decisions are based on selfish motives and imagined needs, we become ego missiles.
The ego has a selective focus.
It is shockingly ignorant of this feature.
Everything the ego experiences is conditioned and limited.
It is not direct experience, but the noise of the self.
The ego wants more than it needs.
Oh, how futile and stupid this endless ego-building is!
Even a big ego is too small to untie its own knots.
Egos make the world a mess.
We are the crisis we are trying to solve.
Because everyone interprets the world in their own way, we live in bubbles made by egos. Human problems arise when egos collide with reality.
The ego is a trap set by our thinking that makes our lives miserable. We may not have the courage to question ourselves, because our whole life depends on it.
Egoism is the most pervasive idea in the world. Overemphasis on individuality is the reason why the world is a mess it is.
Egoism is the worst of the plagues of our time because it poisons the mind and makes cooperation difficult.
Egoism is one of the most apparent forms of stupidity.
Ego Trip
We are on a short ego trip in the universe gathering experiences. Our own life is just an insignificant drop in a huge stream, but for us it is everything.
More than anything, develop your ability to elevate.
We are elevated when we experience something amazing. We soar when we look at the manifestations of life with joy and wonder, or when we listen intently to the everyday sounds around us.
A person is elevated when he sees the essential and does the possible.
We are in the world to elevate each other.
When we lift others up, we lift ourselves up.
Everyone has the means to raise and shrink
- and the power to decide which means to use.
Every person is looking for reasons to light up.
If we haven't been elevated in a week,
we have lived in the desert without water.
We cannot choose our deepest emotions.
Emotions don't take orders.
Words are just letters.
Deep emotions are real.
If life feels empty, we have to find the reason, not by analysing, but by looking at the facts without ego. The feeling of emptiness is often caused by the fact that our thinking is stuck in some belief that narrows the spectrum of life.
Empty Mind
It's quite a paradox that only an empty mind is full.
At any time, we can leave the world of imagination, and experience the magic of life in our bones and core being.
It is too easy to walk past our happiness.
For anyone fascinated by small things, miracles happen all the time.
The ability to enchant is an essential skill. It can be weakened or completely lost.
There is no point in wasting life thinking negatively.
The brain does not create the energy of life, it only interprets it.
When we look at young children, we wonder where they get all their energy from. Certainly not from their ego! Over the years they grow up, lose their playfulness and gradually become anxious adults.
Enjoying life is the way to go.
If there is nothing to do,
focus on being nothing.
Too many people have been taught from a young age that they are not good enough and will never be. Unfortunately, some believe that is true.
Our Western culture emphasizes getting easy enjoyment, rather than experiencing self-produced pleasure. We are programmed to assume that we are being entertained. We sit by the screen and wait for the wave of joy.
Why on earth is violence regarded to be entertainment?
Enthusiasm has intrinsic value.
If you don't get excited, your mind is stuck.
Enthusiasm knows no age.
Enthusiasm is contagious, but not for cynical people.
Man is an equation,
as big or as small as his mind.
The more complicated a thing is, the harder it is to see
what is essential in it.
Everyone has to define for themselves,
what is essential,
and what is possible.
The essential thing is to
1. examine what is true and what is imagined,
2. act rightly in all situations,
3. dare to try the impossible.
All people deserve better than what they get.
Living is appreciation.
Do not hesitate to give it!
If we don't want praise, all appreciation we get will be beyond our expectations.
There is no eternal joy, nor no eternal pain.
When we criticise, we are saying as much about ourselves as the subject of the criticism.
It is important to think what kind of life you want to spend. It is even more important to ask what kind of life you want to produce for others.
If evil is allowed to fester, it erupts as a crisis.
Evil should feel bad.
In facing evil, the goodness of people is revealed.
The common trait of the people I admire is the desire to be excellent at what they do. The will to be excellent determines whether our life feels glum or wonderful.
It's good to change the scenery.
And thoughts, too.
The exciting thing about life is that we can never know it all.
We easily find excuses, why something cannot, must not or should not be done. The real reason is: we don't have a good enough reason to get it done.
We get exhausted and frustrated if we demand wrong things from ourselves and others.
More important than what we experience, is what our experiences make us.
Life cannot be fully explained.
Why should it be?
Life in all its glory and beauty is present in the extraordinary actions of ordinary people.
Factory Settings
What are the factory settings of the mind? Curiosity, sensitivity, trust, love, and joy.
We live in two worlds, of facts and fiction,
without distinguishing which is which.
When evaluating our own thoughts, even the smartest person is easily swayed to turn fiction into fact.
The facts are the same for everyone. Yet we disagree because we see a twisted reality.
Facts are not good or bad, they are facts.
We call them good or bad.
By fighting the facts, their negative consequences become stronger.
I believe in facts.
It's safe to be on their side.
Facts are not shouted into our ears.
Often, they are whispered so quietly
that we cannot hear them.
If failure is a gift, there are many talented people.
If we want to screw up,we have a wide arsenal of means at our disposal.
Fanaticism is a combination of mental laziness and passionate stupidity.
What we don't want, we fear.
What we fear, attracts us.
Fear is a bad companion in any job.
Accepting our fragility is a big step away from fear.
Plato says that it is easy to understand a child who is afraid of the dark, but how can one understand adults who are afraid of the light?
The enemy of the joy of life is not sadness, but fear.
Feeling Good
There are two ways to feel good:
to do something nice, or do nothing.
There is something suspicious about flattery.
Flourishing is a cycle that takes place
when something good leads to something good.
We underestimate the possibility of our own flourishing.
There are no limits to flourishing.
A quick way to change the world
is to change the focus from ourselves to others.
We can walk past our fortune
- without even realising it.
Fortune favours the man who wants only what is needed.
The way we fragment the world is hard to justify.
We can cut an elephant in half,
but the result is not two elephants,
but a bloody mess.
Free Mind
A free mind finds the right path.
To be free, we need a free mind and free time.
When free, the mind rises,
when chained, it shrinks.
We are not free, and may never be. Many people don't even want it. If a fairy godmother gave us three wishes, few would choose freedom.
We cannot see if we are content to live only inside our heads and bodies. We must break free from the prison in which we have locked ourselves with golden chains. Everyone has the key to their dungeon door, but not everyone uses it.
The best thing about friends is whatever they are.
The world would be better if people were friends.
Life without friends is walking alone in the wilderness.
Friendship is a value that has no price tag.
Friendship is a room with a good view.
Friendship is a force that cannot be measured in years or with a ruler.
Friendship, joy, and love go together. They are what humans are made of.
Friendship is the salt and sugar of life.
The future is an assumption.
It is created while going there.
Genius was the person who invented naps.
The more you give, the more you get.
To live is to glow.
If a person lacks joy and glow,
it is not about how life treats him,
but about how he faces life.
Every step in the right direction brings us closer to our goal.
A huge amount of good is not seen,
because we are too used to the good around us.
Good things don't diminish when shared.
If you don't separate the good from the bad, nothing matters.
The option for good always exists and is available to everyone.
I want to be on the good side,
even when it doesn't seem to do any good.
We don't need permission to do good,
we can do it without asking anyone.
There is no need to justify doing good or behaving well.
The good you give comes back double.
Good Life
Every human being deserves a good life.
A good life is a combination of giving and receiving.
Good Mind
A good mind is a value in itself.
With a good mind, we can go very far.
Good People
Life caresses good people.
Good Things
There are many good things going on today
that don't make the news but they make a huge amount of sense.
Goodness is underrated.
Given or received, goodness is always wonderful.
Life rewards the grateful.
There are two conditions for experiencing greatness:
we have to live with our senses open,
and we have to want to produce great things.
As human beings, we are measured in the way we meet and treat strangers.
Ultimately, the measure of human greatness is not how much we can grab for ourselves, but how much we give to others.
Happiness is not the purpose of our journey.
It is a by-product of the way we travel.
There is no clear, measurable definition of happiness.
The feeling of happiness can be based on self-deception.
A person can say that he is happy,
even if he is completely messed up and confused.
If a person is happy,
he doesn't have to want it.
Don't wait for someone else to kick the door to happiness open.
Life changes when we stop expecting happiness and start producing it.
Happiness research has revealed that people look for happiness in the wrong places. The most common assumptions about happiness are wrong. Happiness is when life is not assumed.
There is a shortcut to happiness. It is found by connecting to life, to doing, and being human without boundaries. The condition for happiness is to see things in the right way.
Happiness is getting excited without a reason.
If you are not happy, you yourself may be the reason.
Happiness is other people.
Happiness is being able to walk in a sunny autumn forest for four hours without a single bug.
Harmony comes not from everyone singing the same note.
It comes when different notes chime beautifully together.
Haste is the syndrome of amateurs.
A true professional masters his time.
Healthy Organisation
A measure of a healthy organisation is how safe its members it is to criticize its performance. Flaws must be looked for because that is the best way to secure the future.
We can't hear the essentials with our ears alone.
We only hear what we think we hear.
The heart speaks with a quiet voice.
It hears everything.
It breaks if it is not listened to.
Roots deep in the earth,
it twinkles like a light in the dark.
Reaches out to the sun.
The heart needs no words.
The heart is more right than the brain.
A cold heart is a dead heart.
A heart driven by reason does not see, experience, or perform miracles.
What you trust, that's what you want to produce.
The heart unites what poor reasoning separates.
It is difficult to help those who reject help.
We can help people to succeed, but everyone has to do their part.
Helping others, you are always helping yourself, too.
When you look at the twilight of the evening
and listen to the silence,
you connect the sacred movement of life.
Without direct perception,
the sacred dimensions of life remain a dream.
Being a human being is about being human.
We cannot know anyone completely, not even ourselves.
That's what makes every human being fascinating.
We, humans, are alike in different ways.
Human Mind
The eyes are a window into the human mind.
Human Mission
Our mission as human beings is to free our minds from the tyranny of thought.
Human Rights
The right to be wrong is worth defending.
A civilised state is recognised by the fact
that there is no need to fight for human rights.
Humility is great wisdom.
People who lack a sense of humour,
often lack a sense of proportion.
You can't do everything.
And you don't have to.
Our identity is our personal selection of collective values, meanings, and purposes.
Idealism is closely related to idiocy.
Where only one truth is allowed,
there is not much to think about.
Systems that aim for efficiency are amusingly effective at creating and maintaining idling.
If nothing in life ignites,
there is a fault in the transmitter or the receiver.
Knowledge can never completely remove ignorance and sheer stupidity from the world.
Try not to say the word "I" for one week.
People wonder what is possible.
It's also worth considering what is impossible.
An important line is crossed
when we do something we think is impossible.
We all sit on our indecision.
Connecting with others takes us to the edge of infinity.
When we think, insight doesn't work.
It comes when thinking loosens its grip.
Insight is timeless. We may express it with words formed by thought, but there is no time or thought in realisation.
The essence of insight is to see that the observer and the object of observation are one. This revolutionises seeing.
A self-absorbed mind cannot hear or function properly.
Insight frees the brain from the burden of the past:
it becomes still and enters a timeless and limitless space.
Insight releases energy that is wasted in chaotic thinking.
Insight doesn't work when life is based on fiction instead of facts. Nationalism, religious fanaticism, and political ideologies dull the brain so that it does not function properly.
Stopping thinking is a prerequisite for insight.
Insight can only work when the brain is quiet.
When we realise that there is no escape from reality,
the neurotic movement of thinking stops
and the structure and function of the brain change.
When the imagination dies, only what is true, remains.
If people actually thought and acted in their own interests, they would not act as selfishly as they do now.
The same people who complain about lack of time, can watch TV for hours, even though the programs are not at all interesting.
The world can crush anyone.
Sensitive people are easier targets than those hardened by life.
It is worth being open to life
because only when we are sensitive
we are we exposed to joy.
Only a quiet mind knows peace and joy.
Such a mind neither longs nor waits,
it lives in the eternal.
If we can laugh at ourselves,
we're having a lot of joy.
We don't need a reason to get joy out of life.
Joy of Work
Technocrats killed the joy of work
by harnessing it to pull the wheels of money.
Lack of purpose is a powerful killer of work ethic.
We should beware of it like any other deadly disease.
There are no wise justifications for stupid actions.
What a person wants to eat or drink,
he finds a good reason to do so.
We can achieve something with hard work,
but never as much as with kindness.
Kindness is a gift that tends to return to its giver.
Knowledge has not freed us from illusion,
it has prevented us from seeing the truth about ourselves.
We consider knowledge a passive reserve that we use when we need it, and that we can put aside when we don't. This is not the case. Outdated information actively prevents the truth from entering our minds.
Knowledge is overrated.
The essence of being human is wondering.
No amount of knowledge will remove stupidity from the world.
Labelling people should be prohibited by law.
All stamps flatten and shrink people.
Nothing releases energy as quickly as laughing together.
If we don't laugh, we don't shine.
A person who knows how to laugh at himself,
will be in good company.
Laziness is a creative element.
Many great inventions have been made
because of a desire to avoid doing unnecessary things.
No nation deserves a bad leader, even if it chose one.
A good leader alone cannot take things to the next level, but a bad leader alone can turn people's enthusiasm off.
Top leaders never stand on people's shoulders, they offer their shoulders to people.
A leader never works alone.
Leading is always interactive.
The leader's task is not to make himself important
but to make people feel that working is important and rewarding.
We need leadership, not bosses.
Leadership is about organizing success,
finding common ground,
and bearing responsibility together.
Management theories see people as a resource.
It has two consequences: it makes people unhappy
and it lowers productivity.
It is not enough to change management practices, we have to smash the world view on which management practices are based. This is not easy, because even if a leader is ready to liberate the act of leading, they are not always ready to lead themselves.
Leadership is about liberating people and making miracles happen.
Under bad leadership, people do not do good work and enjoy working. That is very annoying for people, but pretty bad for the organization, too.
Those who learn about everything, learn a lot.
Life has a different lesson for those who want to learn than for those who don't.
We learn a lot by looking
where we are not used to look.
What we don't want to know,
we can't do - and we won't learn.
We learn the most by being quiet.
We learn to do things right by doing things wrong.
We don't learn much by listening to
only the things we believe in.
Learning is an interpersonal event.
Learning often requires taking the body away from familiar and safe circles.
When the ego is freed from the prison it is in,
the past no longer defines us.
Stop waiting for miracles to appear out of thin air.
Start making them - right now.
Life can be spent waiting for happiness or remembering the past, but that is not living, it is rather a waste of life.
Life is not a disease.
It is a miracle to explore.
We cannot own life.
It can be worshipped and embraced,
but it will not be for us only.
Life is a journey that sometimes surprises upward.
There is a big difference between thinking of life
as a journey and thinking of life as energy.
A journey is in time, energy is not.
Life is interaction:
the better the interaction,
the better the life.
Life is on the go.
Life gives us more than it takes.
Life is about seeing and being seen.
We need each other's eyes and hearts
to see what we are blind to in ourselves and in others.
Life is an art.
Life is not straight.
It's a squirm.
Life is not an automaton.
Life doesn't wear out if we use it.
Life is how you take it.
Spending our life sounds boring and passive.
Life must be used and met as fully as possible.
A good life comes from doing good to others.
Life is not an exercise.
Life is a live broadcast.
Celebrate life every day, its delicate thread can break at any moment.
Let us not worry, life will go on after us, without us.
Life can and should be worshipped.
Life is an invention that always has to be reinvented.
Life can be caressed, and it feels fantastic.
If we see life as a competition, it becomes a competition.
Life is being connected to a world that is infinite.
If we define our purpose narrowly, we shrink ourselves.
Life is not a brain solo,
but a symphony of brains, hearts, and minds.
We don't know what happens in death.
What matters is what we do with our life.
We are singing the song of life.
We participate in life.
We are not passive observers,
but create our own environment through thinking.
Life embraces one who embraces life.
We miss out on a lot of life
because we forget to live it.
Life without empathy is no life at all.
The best way to get through life is to be alive.
Life is now in session.
Are you present, coming, or absent?
There is a big self-service section in life.
You can love life even when it's not much fun.
Life is a right and a joy,
not an obligation, a problem, or a burden.
Life dictates words,
we just write them down.
After darkness comes light,
after tears comes joy.
If you are not lit,
we can't light another.
If we limit the universe to what can be explained,
miracles are excluded.
Listening is not to be learned from textbooks.
It is also important to listen to what cannot be said.
It's amazing how often we listen without hearing and see without seeing. If we listen fully, we will discover something new every time.
A good listener should be valued
as much as a good speaker.
Listening is not passive.
It includes good questions:
why do you say that, how did you come up with that idea,
how could I do that, what should I do about it?
Thinking differently starts with listening wholly.
Live Broadcast
Consciousness is a recording, but life is a live broadcast.
Fortunately, we can influence the narration we listen to.
To live is to love.
What we say, means a lot.
What we do, matters more.
It manifests what we really are.
To move forward, we have to look both far and near.
A person does not see what he does not look at.
There are two ways to look at one another:
knowing or feeling the other.
There are various kinds of love. The most wonderful is one where there is no object and no experiencer. It is felt in the state of direct experience: in that, the object merges with the experiencer. The ego prevents us from this. The love felt by the ego needs an object and a motive, invented or real.
The ego's version of love is conditional and isolating, causing us big problems. That kind of love is for something, it begins and ends. When it starts, it elevates us and when it ends, it crushes the mind.
When there is a reason for love, it is limited loving. Love defined by boundaries does not make us whole. Such is part of the ego system and separates people from each other.
Love is a word of action, the strongest of power words.
In all matters, it helps if we love.
The more we love, the more it helps.
Love is not a problem; it is the solution.
No one I admire does shy about using the word 'love'.
Love is a good reason to be a little crazy.
If we love, we need no other reason.
Love nourishes the core of humanity.
Without it, there is no us.
There is no point in limiting love.
Love is not just a feeling.
It is actions.
The law of nature: love ends when we stop loving.
In the moments of the greatest sadness,
in the midst of the most painful longing,
love is strongly present.
Loved Ones
Our loved ones may not realise how important they are to us if we don't make it clear to them.
Everyone should have the right to love their beloved.
There is hardly anything we get used to
as quickly as luxurious conditions.
Magic Dust
When we are completely immersed in something we cherish, there is magic dust in the air.
What matters is not what we think about ourselves.
It is what we are prepared to do about ourself.
Anybody is capable of doing wonderful things
if he thinks it is important and possible.
By doing things we learn something
that we don't learn by reading about them.
What is not done,
remains undone.
We don't have to like everything we do.
Some things just must be done.
Bad habits are learned,
but so are good manners, too.
You know a master for two things:
he throws himself into what he does,
and he's not afraid of making mistakes.
The champion's performance comes from the pressure within.
He sets the bar so high that effort is needed to get over it.
The master understands that he is not working alone.
He is willing to do more for others than others do for him.
He accepts mutually agreed rules,
but refuses to auction his own life,
and takes control of it himself.
The door to the championship won't open
unless we get a good grip on ourself.
Watching a master violinist play,
it's hard to understand how many hours of practice
are required to give the listener goose bumps.
Matters of Taste
We can always argue about matters of taste.
The maximum is not optimum.
Meaning is everything.
The world changes when meaning changes.
In a good society, everyone participates
in the creation of meanings free from delusions.
You don't understand the meaning of a word any better
analysing it letter by letter.
Meaning is a feeling.
You either feel it, or you don't.
The paradox of life is that even absurd things can make sense.
A bigger hammer doesn't always help:
more of the same thing doesn't produce the desired result.
There is no need to blame life for the lack of means
because there are more available than there is time to use.
When we care,
we don't complain,
we find the means.
We can only measure the limited.
If mediocre is good enough for you,
you get mediocre.
Every encounter is an opportunity to experience a miracle.
We must always be ready for it.
When two people meet, three worlds meet:
two are imaginary, and one is real.
The real is what actually happens in the encounter.
When meeting other people,
we can repeat the old formula or let a miracle happen.
In meeting people,
go beyond the halfway line.
Playing one note does not make a melody,
nor does repeating one truth make a good life.
We play the wrong notes
and still hope to get the melody right.
When we look back on our own life,
we realise how much energy is locked up in memories.
They can be paralysing and draining.
Memories can prevent us from seeing ourselves and life as a miracle.
If we experience something good or pleasant twice an hour, we will have time to collect a collection of a million pleasant memories during our lifetime.
A person is as big or small as his mind.
When a tooth hurts, aspirin may help, but sometimes root canal treatment is needed. When the mind is exhausted, deep spiritual resuscitation must be started and the assumptions of the mind must be checked.
We need to recharge our mind from time to time.
And clear the clutter!
There are two basic attitudes in the mind: defensive and investigative. We use the defensive one for everything we are sure of. All learning takes place in investigative mode.
The walls of the mind work in two directions: they prevent light from entering and from getting out. We cough in the dark and wonder how small the world is. It doesn't take a big hole for the light to get in, and it doesn't take a big act for it to flood out.
The mind exists even when there is no ego.
The mind has no age;
even an old mind can be fresh.
A sound mind does not hesitate.
The mind is the key to the door into the world of miracles.
We can't see the mind, nor take pictures of it,
yet we can work it out.
The mind is not reflected in the mirror,
but it shows what the mind does to the body.
We can't trust our mind.
The mind is elevated if we let it do so.
'Mind' is a small word for a big thing.
Most of the contents of the mind come from a common reservoir.
The human mind is not a metric commodity.
If we really want to know ourselves,
we shouldn't just study gauges and numbers.
The mind makes our world. It is our whole world.
Once we realize this, our relationship with ourselves becomes compassionate and flexible.
The more we study the human mind,
the less we imagine we know.
Be friends with your mind.
The mind is not our own. Most of our beliefs are not formulated by us, we learn them from other people. The line between our own and the collective is like the famous line in the water.
The mind makes its own limits.
The mind is a fresh commodity:
it will rot if it is not renewed.
The mind paints the beautiful and the ugly,
the good and the bad, the miserable and the wonderful,
in its own image.
When we listen fully, the wall of opinions falls down.
Mind and Body
When the mind takes flight,
the body will follow.
Mind and Brain
There is no mind without a brain,
but the mind is NOT in the brain.
The mind has no home.
Mind and Language
The mind must lead the language,
not the other way around.
Alone we are a minority and together the majority.
Every human being is a miracle, whether we realize it or not.
Everyone has to see and make their own miracles.
If we try to do something that we consider impossible,
we may end up doing miracles.
A miracle is not an achievement.
They happen and are done all the time.
We experience them when we walk in the world with open minds.
The world of miracles is inexhaustible.
Every moment is a miracle.
Even when we don't feel or recognise,
life is still going strong.
We miss many miracles
because it is easier to pass than to see them.
Everyone can be a miracle to another person.
When faced with a miracle, we run out of words.
Because we don't dare to reach for the miracle of life,
a huge amount of life flies past us.
We live in a lack even in the midst of abundance.
The purpose of life is to see and produce miracles.
We can achieve something miraculous only if we want to do it.
We have the skills, but our will is rusted.
One cannot avoid encountering miracles: meeting a stranger on the street, watching one's own child grow up, or feeling raindrops on one's skin. We can experience that while sitting on the train and surfing on social media when we hear a mother babbling gently to her baby or watching an old couple leisurely walk through the traffic hand in hand.
Miracles are missed out if we are too full of ourself.
The people I admire are united by the will to do miracles. Not content with what life has presented, they all want to break boundaries and stretch themselves to what many consider impossible.
Stop waiting for miracles to fall out of the air.
They can and must be done.
In pursuing their shared dream,
people become miracle workers.
No one can do miracles alone,
but the leader of the community alone can prevent a miracle from happening.
When a group of people want to do miracles together, they need a reason. It can come from a desire to do something or from an external need or order. Whatever triggers the process is irrelevant to the end result.
We need others to recover from life's blows, but also to have a sense of our own miracle. If that feeling is missing, we can find it with the help and company of others.
Everyone lives in the midst of miracles.
There is magic in everyday life that defies words and explanations.
The mere attempt to explain it kills the miracle.
In the mind, there must always be
enough room for small miracles.
It's up to us to decide what kind of miracles or wonders we want to chase. They are available or even overflowing, in our living environment.
We have to be exposed to miracles.
Cherish the wonder you are a part of.
See the world through the eyes of your inner child. Think well of everyone and be kind to those who don't see the miracle in themselves.
We can recognize a miracle chaser by their level of excitement.
Enthusiasm infects others, creating an uplifting spiral and a wonderful feeling.
If we don't experience miracles, the reason may be within ourself.
How can miracles be described?
We have to feel them in our skin, we just let them affect us!
We will encounter as many miracles today as we can see or do.
And don't forget that you are a living miracle.
There are more opportunities to experience miracles than we can possibly take.
Miracles don't happen to people who lock in a definite answer. They happen to people who think there is a lot in life that they can wonder about with an open mind.
Why are we told to look in the mirror - even when a person should stop staring at himself and focus on other people?
If you fear making a mistake, you make one.
A work culture that is afraid of mistakes destroys people's creativity and entrepreneurship. That could be considered malpractice.
We learn from our mistakes.
That's why I'm going to keep making them.
Our brain's image of reality is an inaccurate model of the world.
People have twofold attitudes towards money, depending on whether it is their own or other people's money.
Money cannot buy a rich life.
Lack of money is an easy explanation for lack of joy, enthusiasm, and passion.
'More' is the mantra of the greedy and the obstacle to happiness.
If you're a bird, you should get up early.
If you're a worm, wait one more minute.
Mother Earth
Our early ancestors called the earth their Mother. It cared for them like a mother takes care of her children. Then the ego took over and we became self-actualizing separate individuals.
We can't and don't need to motivate people.
It's enough not to turn off their enthusiasm,
rather to encourage them to do what they are passionate about.
There are too many people who try to mould us into their own moulds. Too few people with whom we can dive into the wonders of life.
Life is movement.
It moves us.
Life is a mystery.
Realizing this calms the mind.
We don't need to know or find the answer,
it's enough to be open to life and let it affect us.
Thinking can never solve the mystery of the mind
because the part can never understand the whole.
Everything imaginable can be explained.
The core of the mystery remains unsolved.
That's the beauty of it!
The mystery of existence is not revealed in manuals.
Mystery is experienced when the mind is silent
and one with the world.
In solving the mystery of the mind, thought is useless.
By fragmenting reality, thought prevents us from seeing the universe as one.
The mystery of life is not knowledge-based,
and it cannot be absorbed from another.
To explore the mystery, one must free oneself from
desires, motives, suffering, and the whole ego structure.
When listening to an annoying narrator,
we learn to appreciate other narrators.
We can hold on to our narrow ideas.
Too often, we do.
We can only wear one pair of shoes at a time.
There is a huge number of things in the world that nobody needs.
If we want more than we need, we live in want.
After every night, a new morning dawns.
Everything is new under the sun if we see it as it is.
We don't see what we don't even look at.
We don't experience what we don't try.
We don't do what we don't dare.
Open Mind
An open mind chooses the right path.
The only way to encounter miracles is to have an open mind.
It's better to keep your mouth shut
and your mind open than vice versa.
When the mind is open, the light comes in.
The air is thick with certain opinions about what should be done and what should not. Unfortunately, these opinions do not coincide, because they are only imaginary.
We can't blame life for the lack of opportunities. Every day we are presented with thousands of opportunities to elevate others, but too many walk on by. We often neglect the opportunities to ignite happiness.
Optimism is as realistic as pessimism but smarter.
We must leave room for options in our minds. If we cling to what we know, we may never know the good things we're missing.
If plan A doesn't work, try plan B. Fortunately, there are 26 letters in the alphabet. If nothing works, stay with the letter W. Wondering takes towards a solution.
Options don't walk or fly toward us, we have to go and get them.
Companies have two options: to charm the customer or close the business.
Option is a great word:
if something doesn't work, we have to opt for it.
There are as many options as there is imagination.
The cosmos is in order, our consciousness is not.
A brain conditioned to conflict cannot find order in itself, or in the world.
The world won't improve if we don't get our minds in order.
Let's clear our minds from dead imagery and cold concepts.
Then we feel the mystery of life in our bones and at our core.
Each item has its right place.
When we learn to put things in their proper places,
we save a lot of time and nerves.
The right place for a piece of paper is
where we look for it when we need it.
Organizing the table also organizes the mind.
In Konmari, I was struck by genuine appreciation for things.
The mind is elevated when we surround ourself with things
that bring us joy and not stress.
If we only do what we think is possible,
we will do ordinary things, not miracles.
Other People
Other people don't live for us, they live with us.
If we seriously search for ourself,
we will find other people.
We need others to reach for what we
cannot achieve alone.
Alone we are not much,
but with others, the whole world.
All we know, we picked from others.
Without others, we are just shadows in the dark.
Others live in us and we in them.
The whole idea of living alone is utterly insane.
In all stages of life, we need others more than we realize.
Companies are not owned by those who have invested their money in them, but by those who have given their brains and thinking power to the company.
We can't own another person.
In trying to explain the mystery,
the ego makes a parody of itself.
Without passion, life is just a series of performances.
Passion is a condition for a good life.
No one's path is straight.
The most trodden paths lead nowhere.
When the mind is calm,
peace enters the world.
Things are simple,
people somewhat more complicated.
Our lives depend on what kind of lenses we look at the world through: narrow or wide?
Perception changes the perceived object.
Observing thinking changes thoughts.
We shouldn't ask for permission
to experience and share good things.
When we climb one hundred meters,
the world changes.
The more we have to convince,
the less convincing we are.
A pessimist is a person who burns the bridge
before stepping on it.
Life is also made of the things
that happen outside of what we have planned.
Playfulness is not the opposite of seriousness,
it is one of the conditions of creativity and genius.
If something seems pointless, it might actually be.
Politicians are often ridiculed for changing their minds.
I think it's smarter than banging our heads against the wall.
There is a systemic error in politics.
If there is no confrontation, it will be created.
If you do not vote in the election, you make the opposition stronger.
The government gives good reasons for mocking itself.
Populism is a mixture of irresponsibility and idiocy.
Positive and Negative
The positive includes the negative.
Possibilities are underestimated more than exaggerated.
A person perceives what he believes to be possible.
Everyone has a limit in their mind of what they consider possible. There are many ways to push that limit. Sometimes it moves due to circumstances, and sometimes on its own.
When we go really deep into our mind,
we enter a realm where anything that matters, is possible.
When we set a goal or an ideal,
we postpone the realization of the thing.
It's hard to stop procrastinating.
Decide what you want to do - and do it.
It is in no one's interest that people use
only a small part of their potential.
It is self-deceptive to be positive, and pathetic to be negative.
Life is raw realism, true all the time.
We underestimate our capacity and ability to make a difference. It is not wise to shackle oneself or others with assumptions based on what one has sometimes stated to be true.
Most people underestimate the amount of our potential.
This leads to underperformance and mental shrinkage.
All power is conditional.
If we don't know how to use it, we lose it.
Subjugation is an abuse of power.
It diminishes a person,
makes them smaller than they ought to be.
Power can make a person both ruthless and pitiful.
Power should not be given to those who want it.
Power belongs to those
who understand others and themselves.
Power may bring us joy,
but with it comes responsibility.
Power is a feeling.
If we feel that we don't have power, we don't use it.
The same is true of responsible.
If we don't feel it, we don't take it.
Everyone has more power than they use.
A revolution often means
that power is taken away from the people.
Power Statement
See what is and do what works.
Power Words
My seven power mantras are:
The praise is not evenly distributed - or correctly.
Prejudice is an isolator.
It isolates a person from the world of facts.
Prejudices prove that we do not see things as they are.
Prejudice is a form of public opinion
that is defended even when it is wrong.
No special effort is required to be present.
Just stop what you are doing
and focus on the environment
or the person you are with.
It's amazing that with these gas and booze prices,
some people can afford to drive drunk.
Most human problems are shared, not personal.
That's why they need to be solved collectively.
People are good at solving problems
that are not their business.
A person cannot solve problems
that he does not want to get out of.
There aren't always simple solutions to complex problems - sometimes there are.
There is a simple solution to individual and community problems. We need to refresh our mind and explode our mental models. We have to dare to ask big questions and let life answer. It knows and has everything. Everything!
The easiest way to get rid of problems is to stop creating them.
Many human problems arise from
regarding life as a problem to be solved.
Closing our eyes doesn't make problems go away.
If we realise that the limits of our thinking are not real,
we see the world as it is.
Then life ceases to be a problem.
It is good to solve mental problems before it is too late.
All man-made problems can be solved
by dismantling the minefields built by our minds.
There are no right answers to the wrong problems.
Most problems don't show up in the mirror
because they are hidden inside our heads.
Too much of people's energy goes
into keeping problems alive.
Describing dynamic processes in static terms leads to
a failure to understand the complex nature of things.
When we are stuck, we don't change.
The threats to organisations and people come
not from quick crises but from slow processes.
All progress starts from one person getting others involved.
Promises are easier to make than to keep.
The purpose of purpose is
to connect, ignite and elevate people.
Purpose cannot be imposed on us,
it is up to each one of us to light our own inner flame.
The purpose of doing tends to blur or disappear from our screen.
It needs to be reminded from time to time: at least once a day.
A community that defines its purpose in a self-centred way does not understand its own best. Communities are not just for themselves, nor for their members. Their function is to produce what someone else needs.
Everything we do has a purpose, either spoken out loud or tacitly assumed. The purpose answers two questions: why something is done and what it means to do it. If we define our purpose too narrowly, we will shrink ourselves.
The intellect considers the reason for doing something, the emotion evaluates its meaning, but only the sense of purpose nourishes the deep layers of the mind.
Purpose of Work
The purpose of work is to do miracles for other people.
Pursuit of Happiness
The pursuit of one's own happiness brings at most a momentary charm. Narcissistic pleasure is a drug that feeds but does not nourish. Each time we need a bigger dose, and in the end life develops a hangover.
The quality of the interaction determines what we achieve and produce together. The bad news is that the way society and organizations operate, diminishes the quality of people's interactions and prevents an individual from flourishing.
Quality is affected by many invisible factors. It is impossible to measure what cannot be measured: spirit, reputation, respect, kindness, trust, thanks, encouragement, stretching, benevolence, difference, and caring.
A good question is better than a bag of bad answers.
Questioning opens the mind.
Quiet Mind
When the mind is quiet, life is heard.
Humility is pure realism.
Many ideas have a counterpart in reality, but our minds are filled with concepts that don't. They exist only because we imagine them.
Our reality is a perception, a pretty scary one.
There is no path to reality.
It is not a place to go, it is everywhere.
If we define reality by thinking,
we cut off a large part of reality.
Reality TV
Life is reality TV, from which we construct our own drama, tragedy, entertainment or soap opera.
At the command of reason, the heart is hurt.
The mind always has a reason for the way it works.
If we are hard-wired to control our mind,
the reason will not become clear,
because we won't let it reveal itself.
We need a reason to get up in the morning.
It is great if we don't have to invent one.
We should not hand over the reins of our life to someone else,
because everyone is responsible for all the commensurate consequences.
Companies invest too much in things that have little or no relevance.
Goodwill produces a good reputation.
We can't buy a good reputation.
We have to earn it.
The majority of people resist things that happen anyway.
Many changes are really pointless and harmful. Resistance to change is often due to the fact that people know things better than those who make decisions.
No one gets respect by demanding it.
Free hands are synonymous with responsibility.
Only those who take responsibility, are free.
By doing things right,
we get what we order - and often more.
No one has the right to shrink another,
either directly or indirectly.
In cultures driven by fear, people stare at the rules, and would rather do stupid things than dare to use their brains.
It's easier to feel good by being satisfied with a little than by getting a lot.
Due to its nature, thinking cannot produce full satisfaction.
On the contrary, it is the father and mother of our problems.
Ambition and desires are fertile ground for disappointments and frustrations.
Saving the Planet
A man who says he will save the world is overestimating himself.
Instead of saving the planet, we should be focused on changing our own actions.
To feel safe, people want to belong to a group, sect, or organisation.
That is only a delusion of security.
There is more to everything than meets the eye.
It's not what we look at, but what we see when we look.
We only see a narrow strip of the infinite in the middle of which we live.
The more limited the mind is, the more easily it runs against its own limits.
There is not a more important skill than the ability to see the good and the beautiful in the world, in others, and in oneself.
We need other people to see ourself.
We get used to everything, even not seeing something obvious.
Seeing life correctly is the starting point for doing what works.
It elevates the mind and energizes the brain.
It is of utmost importance to see correctly.
If we see wrong, we act wrongly.
We hide certain pats of ourselves,
even from ourselves.
The self is an isolating system.
Its circuit can be enlarged, but not enough.
We can get over the rainbow
only after understanding ourselves.
The journey to ourself takes us to other people.
We spend our life with ourself.
The best way to find yourself is to be there.
The self has no form other than that given by thoughts.
The ego cannot be touched.
Therefore, observing the self is in a sense impossible.
A person who thinks he understands life
may think a little too much of himself.
There is no objective self, only subjective perceptions created by the mind.
Thinking gives undue importance
to the permanent part of the self.
When the self is stripped, the world opens up.
What else can you be but yourself?
Self-centredness in all its forms kills empathy and crushes compassion.
A self-centred person absorbs problems because he sees himself as the centre of everything and spends his time defeating an invented monster.
Self-centredness is a learned habit, but we can unlearn it. The brain can isolate us, but it can also connect.
Belittling is not a smart way to look at yourself or others.
Self-deprecation is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Everyone can make more for themselves than they do.
Self-examination creates the illusion in the brain that the ego is real.
Self-importance often produces
the opposite effect to what is intended.
If the idea of self-improvement comes from a desire to be better than others, it is only poorly disguised selfishness.
A self-respecting person does not let himself off easily.
Selfishness is a prison to which a person sentences himself.
If selfishness is the answer, then what was the question?
Selfishness is a dumb way to shrink yourself.
There is no point where you stop and I begin.
When we meet, we are intertwined.
Everything is intertwined with everything.
Nothing is separate.
We just cannot isolate ourselves from the world.
You and I are different. We are also different to how we were a week or a year ago. Some part of us lives in time and space, the rest lives in connection with the universe. We are physically separate, but our minds are inseparable.
Shared Meaning
Societies are built on shared meanings. They are the cement that holds cultures together: without shared meaning, communities collapse.
If we want to achieve something together, we must realize the necessity of shared meaning. If everyone's views are taken seriously, everyone shares the same meaning.
A company is not a one-man-show -nor one-woman.
Many strong leaders have destroyed their companies
by permitting a personality cult to emerge.
No one has the right to shrink anyone.
When we limit our life, we are not shrinking life, but ourselves.
Do we have to be Sibelius to hear the glow in a crane's voice or to be dumbfounded by a swan's beauty?
Jean Sibelius was not a talker. In his only radio interview, he stated, among other things:
"I never talk about my compositions."
"All my works are dear to me, my own children."
"Never write any unnecessary note, because every note must live."
"Here at Ainola, this silence speaks."
When we focus all our attention on the facts, everything that doesn't belong disappears.
Then we hear the silence, and it's incredibly beautiful.
Silence is underrated.
Silence of the mind is a luxury.
We can be wrong even when we don't say anything.
Silence is not the ending of the noise.
It is listening quietly.
We can become skilled at what we like to do,
but rarely become a master at what we don't love.
No amount of skill can compensate for the lack of will.
The sky is blue and sometimes dazzlingly red.
Nature's brush paints accurately and sensitively.
If the salary is the best thing at work,
a person has made himself a slave.
There is great beauty in slow motions.
Acting small is big.
Life is not insignificant
- but one can make it so.
A smart person does not criticize
what he doesn't understand
- nor what he does understand.
Many people would be smarter
if they kept their mouths shut.
In life, it's not how smart we are,
but how we are smart.
You can't force someone to smile genuinely.
Society is a product of our minds.
Without the mind, there are no countries, companies, governments, human relationships, or ideologies, but there is no sense of joy or freedom either.
If you want to sing,
you will find a song.
Life is special.
If you see something special,
something special is about to be born.
We spread what we are.
We can only give what we have.
We live in a world where stability is an exception.
It seems like people are doing anything to stay put.
When encountering a stranger,
we reveal ourselves.
Every person wants to experience miracles in their life,
but many workplaces don't provide a platform
in which they might manifest.
When we notice that we are acting stupidly,
we change our behaviour immediately.
If we don't think we're stupid,
we keep banging our heads against the wall.
The subject creates the object,
the observer creates the observed.
Without one there is no other.
The common definition of success generates by-products that nobody wants.
Success is a matter of will.
Not that we can achieve success by wanting it,
but that we can't get it without wanting it.
Prolonged success can numb and make us arrogant.
The dumbest decisions are often made in the throes of success.
Success starts often after taking a wrong step in the right direction.
Success is getting what we want.
Happiness is wanting what we have.
We cannot always succeed. And we shouldn't.
We can always learn. And we should.
In support, giving is as important as getting.
All ideologies are based on suppression of thoughts
and lead to conflict.
The ideas describe a trimmed-down version of the target. The object either exists or it doesn't, but thought is always different from the object it refers to. Words and thoughts are only symbols.
System Errors
We often approach a problem in the same way that created it: by breaking it down into parts. System faults must be approached differently. They need to be looked at them holistically, organically, and more palpably.
System errors cannot be fixed by pressing a button. The mechanism that causes a particular consequence must be revealed. After that, we might come up with ways to hack the system.
It is not easy to understand what the external reality of the system requires, allows, or enables. The system either exaggerates or underestimates the changes taking place in the environment, and may react in ways that are not good.
A living system cannot be defined without distorting it.
The essential thing is not to get what we want,
but to be able to take what comes our way.
In difficulties, we see what we really believe in.
Thanks often come back to the giver.
Even if you never hear words of thanks,
it doesn't mean that you or your work is not appreciated.
No one can know what is being said about her or him.
You can always imagine the appreciation
you know you deserve.
It is important what you think,
but more important is what your thinking produces in the world.
The world changes when thinking changes.
Freedom of thought means
responsibility for the quality of thought.
Thought is a weapon,
evil in the hands of evil people.
Third Ear
With two ears, we only hear sounds.
We need a third ear for deep hearing.
If one has seen even a small glimpse of the truth
and tries to resist or run away from it,
it seems like poison or a thorn in the flesh.
Thought Sense
Thought seems not to be aware of its own movement.
If we had some kind of "thought sense",
thoughts would detect their movements
and correct them automatically,
in the same way that our body corrects
its position so that we do not fall over.
There is nothing genuine in our thoughts.
They come from others.
We have collected them over thousands of yesterdays,
chosen the ones we liked and rejected most of them.
Of two opposing ideas, both can be correct.
We think we create thoughts,
but it is more accurate to say that thoughts create us.
Thoughts have a prefix. Crappy thoughts produce crappy reality and great thoughts produce great things.
We are blind to our hidden thoughts.
We are burdened by thoughts
we don't want to think about
and the tasks we don't want to do.
Thought does not reflect anything completely,
because all its reflections are only images.
Three Layers
Life has three layers: the individual, the collective, and the cosmos.
The mind moves on all three floors, but many people live on only one or two.
We live inside our heads, recognise the collective level, but have lost touch with the cosmic.
Three Minds
It is said that man has three minds.
One remembers the past,
another thinks about the future,
the third lives in the here and now.
Which one do you want to use your brain for?
Time is not the measure of life.
Life is infinite, it has no measure.
There is plenty of time to live,
and a little is left over for just being.
Time is just an idea that we need
when the present moment is not enough.
All time culminates in the now.
Time creates more problems than it solves.
Don't waste other people's time - nor your own.
Time is NOT money.
We need time to become what we want to be.
Yet, all the time we are who we are.
Years don't pass,
they rather fill us.
Thought has wrapped the brain in time.
When we realize this, the division between the universe and the mind disappears. Then the mind is in order. It enters a timeless world, where thoughts have no place because they can only live in time. At that point we are able to transcend the limits of consciousness and feel the cosmic order, feel the timeless pulse of the universe in our body.
When you're short on time, take a timeout.
Sit for a minute and do nothing.
Then you know what to do.
Together we created ecological and economic disasters.
Together we must solve them.
When we want to accomplish something really GREAT together, we have to get everyone involved. This is not achieved by blaming or accusing the underdogs, but by giving them good reasons to get fired up.
A society built on conflict makes us monsters to each other. Competition, picking on the weak, greed, arrogance, discrimination, aggression, and violence are terrible basis for good cooperation.
Tomorrow is not a repeat of yesterday,
almost anything can be different.
Too Much and Too Little
We are led too much and submit too easily.
We think too much, and rely too little on facts.
We complain too much and care too little.
People are told too much, and too little listened to.
We reflect too little together
and too easily blame others for our own bad feeling.
Too much is calculated,
and too little is done just for the joy of doing.
Walking with hesitation is
the wise man's way of moving forward.
People are nice if we treat them nicely.
The greatness of a person can be seen
in the way he treats strangers.
It's great when a person behaves well for no reason:
looks us in the eyes and smiles,
laughs out loud out of sheer joy,
helps out of the goodness of her heart.
Treat yourself in such a way
that you are in good company all the time.
Refuse to think or say anything that is not true and right.
When we hear something we know to be true,
it affects us instantly.
Better to trust than to give up:
when one door closes, another door opens.
Truth is our security.
The danger for humans is that each person's own truth undermines what is really true. We think our truth is the whole truth. Sooner or later, the castles of illusion will collapse.
Seeing the truth dispels the fog in the brain.
The truth is the same for everyone, but interpretations vary.
If you are sure of your own truth, no amount of persuasion will change your mind.
Truth is not in words; it is when we see something actual.
To see it, one must be free of imagination.
Being true is a wonderful way to experience life.
If you can't stand the truth, you end up living in lies.
Acknowledging the facts frees the mind from the spiral of lies.
We can escape the truth, but we can never hide from it.
A person does not know what he is capable of until he tries.
The main reason for failure is not
that we don't know how to do something,
it is that we don't even try to do it.
We don't actually try to do something,
we either do or we don't.
If we can get through Tuesday,
we can get through the whole week!
A community can get sick because of one twisted prick.
Every day we are a little closer to the moment
when the power of violent autocrats comes to an end
because people no longer submit to their will.
Tyrants want to turn off people's brains.
People's fears and stupidity keep tyrants in power.
Every tyrant sooner or later makes one or more fatal mistakes
and will see that power is always temporary.
We can learn a lot by listening to those who disagree with us.
If everyone thinks the same, no one thinks enough.
If we are seriously trying to understand ourselves and life,
we have to step out of our heads and face the harsh and beautiful world.
Understanding starts from the desire to understand.
Too many people find nothing wrong
with their own understanding.
People often argue about what they don't understand.
It is easier to judge than to understand.
When we understand, we don't judge.
Words cannot hide the lack of understanding.
Understanding Self
Understanding ourselves is a full-time job,
and sometimes we must work overtime.
A big reason for being unhappy is
that we humans have a distorted idea
of what life should be like.
Nothing is one way.
No one can be the best at everything,
yet every one is unique in their own league.
There is always sooooo much that nobody knows.
Only a free mind is able to enter the limitless world.
Too many people go to work in summer and winter with the same attitude. Computer programs are updated more often than thoughts.
Our minds are full of useless things.
Doing useless things is frustrating.
Really valuable things have no price tag.
If we truly value or deeply love something,
we won't bargain with it.
Each of us is involved in processes
where value is created or exported, given, or taken away.
Life without values is worthless.
Values are not words.
They are actions.
Values are choices.
Actions and the feelings attached to them
reveal what a person really values.
No one can live by the values of others.
Nor should we.
What we value, we want to do.
What we love, we do with joy.
A good reason to be a vegetarian
is to prefer animals alive.
There are different versions of truth,
none of them the truth.
In the workplace, many things are talked about in two ways: one in front and something else behind the back. In a one-to-one conversation, we hear a completely different version of things than in a meeting.
Undue force is violence.
Violence is the most abhorrent form of using power.
Violence is misuse of power.
Have you ever heard a vision so inspiring that you burn with the will to act? Neither have I.
What would you do
if you could do whatever you want?
Many human problems arise from
wanting more than is needed.
When we don't know what we want,
we often get something we don't want.
There is a straight connection between thinking and warfare.
Life can be wasted, but not saved.
Oh, what a waste there is
when people are not encouraged to use their talents.
Many of our problems are self-inflicted
and disappear when you replace
the word "I" with the word "we".
People who get along well with each other can be identified by the fact
that they like to speak in the we-form.
It's not a crime to be rich. Many people have become extremely rich by being good at what they do or by doing good to others. We could perhaps condemn wealth if prosperity were a zero-sum game, where one person's money causes poverty for another. This is often not the case. A healthy society rewards those who create mental and material well-being, make the cake, and bear responsibility.
It's just stupid to let the weather regulate our moods.
I usually don't let the weather affect my mind.
Today is so beautiful that I make an exception.
What Is
The best is what we have
because there is nothing else.
The whole is more than the sum of its parts
in the same way that a word is more than its letters.
The whole does not consist of pieces,
and we cannot understand the whole by analysing the parts.
Whatever a person wants to do, he finds time for it.
We must dare to set new goals for what we do and fiercely challenge poorly performing practices. We need to encode a will to succeed as a will that aims for success as one.
If we want, we do.
If we don't want, we find excuses.
Both ways work: first for us,
the other against us.
If people don't want to learn, they won't learn.
If they want to learn, nothing can stop them.
It is not wise to take a job that we cannot cope with.
More than power, we need wisdom.
Wisdom is not acting on stupid ideas
- neither other people's or your own.
Long live that little difference between spoken words
and the wisdom of the silent heart.
When cause and effect are far apart, wisdom is needed to understand the connection.
Good behaviour is culture,
sincerity is wisdom.
Wisdom that is too often repeated is a platitude.
A wise choice: mind open, mouth closed,
not vice versa.
Wise is one who knows how to ask, listen and look at himself and others in complete peace, not explain, but understanding that there is always more to everything than we can understand.
In a tough situation, imagine a virtual conversation with a wise person. It's funny how good advice we can get this way.
One man's wish is another man's nightmare.
Words are a prison cell in which a person locks himself.
Words have the meaning we give them.
Words are mere shells, real messages are conveyed in smiles, touches and tones of voice. Silent emotional dialogue is the foundation on which all encounters are built.
In the same way that the word 'food' does not nourish, beautiful words are letters without content.
Words are a link or a wall, depending on how we use them.
The emotional reaction to words is terribly real and takes us - sometimes into the woods.
The more fear there is in the organization, the more the words and actions in front of the boss's nose and behind his back differ from each other.
The work of hundreds of people is necessary for every bite we enjoy and any service we receive.
Burn the books that advice you to hate your work. Be an adult professional and do what is right.
Work has the power to elevate or destroy us.
Work needs rethinking.
We must be passionate about work, love it - for our own sake.
It is waste of life to do something we don't like.
Work is not a disease that we need to get cured of. It is a tree that bears fruit.
Work is a condition for a wonderful life. Without work, essential good things would not be done.
A new ethos of work is needed.
It is not about money,
but about a purpose that unites people.
Work should feel more like living
and less like earning a livelihood.
The value of work is clear when it is missing from our life.
Money is only one of the seven reasons to work.
The relationship with our own work will be revived as soon as we realize the other six reasons.
For too many people, work is a straitjacket that they have to put on five times a week. Millions of people walk into their workplaces with heavy hearts. They feel that they have to work out of necessity, not that they have the privilege to work helping other people.
There is nothing mysterious about work.
It is doing something good for another person.
If a person does not love his work,
the work shrinks or even destroys him.
Work and life are one package.
If we want a good life, we need to review our relationship with work.
A smart person never forgets
why she or he was hired.
Work Friends
It is important to rebuild your relationships with your co-workers, and check that they are not stamped with inappropriate labels. There are always at least three sides to people, and too often we place undue emphasis on one of them.
You don't have to like all your work friends, but an adult must be able to cooperate with a variety of people. It would be appropriate to agree together that no one will talk crap about any of their work friends behind their backs. Antipathies and disagreements between group members should always be dealt with in private, and preferably before people hate each other.
We can't convince anyone of something they don't want to be convinced of. Everyone decides their own attitude to work and life. What we think of work, "leaks" into the rest of life. If we have bad feelings at work, we can't help spreading them to the people we live with and love. This cycle can be broken by updating our relationship with our work.
Work is something we do for others.
What could be wrong with working with passion? It is one part of love for life.
By working, we help to create a world where people can get things they need or want.
Nobody owns the world.
We share it.
Looking at the world,
we certainly don't see a paradise.
We need a world view,
but it is only a view, not the world.
The state of the world will not improve if the brain corrects the wrong points, not the causes but the consequences. Our time and energy is spent correcting the mistakes we have made and are making all the time.
World Problems
No one can solve the world's problems alone. Poverty, environmental destruction, and violence are the result of all our actions and affect us all. None of them can be solved by thinking in one's own way. A deep focus on the causes is urgently needed.
World View
We pay a heavy price for a world view
that encourages us to seek our own happiness
and fulfilment at the expense of others.
No one invents their world view.
We assemble it from ingredients, usually without a resipe.
It gets absorbed into us.
Life is what it is. Miraculous.
It won't get any better by explaining.
Seeing what is connects us with the world.
Then we are the world
and working together is pure bliss.
Borders lose their meaning.
Everything is as it is.
Right now and all the time.